Ways to straighten crooked feet, clubfoot treatment cost, what to do if newborn's feet are crooked, children's foot problems,

 Club foot or congenital clubfoot in children, it is possible to correct congenital clubfoot in children, many children are born with congenital clubfoot,

Many babies are born with congenital clubfoot. Many consider it untreatable and ironic due to ignorance. But children's congenital crooked feet or club feet are no longer a problem. There are good and even free treatments for this birth defect in the country.

Club foot or congenital clubfoot, congenital clubfoot can be corrected

Many children are born with birth defects. The most common of these is club foot, which is called club foot. As a result, one or both of the feet fold inwards to accommodate the positional variation of the ankle bones, which look like a golf club. Hence its name club foot. The disease is also known in different areas as Mugur Pa or Congenital Crooked Feet.

In English this disease is called Congenital Telepus Equino Veras (CTEV). According to the Global Club Foot Initiative, about 5,000 children are born with club feet in Bangladesh every year. This problem is more common in boys than girls. 50% of children can have this problem in both legs.

there is no specific reason for children with congenital clubfoot. But some things are to blame. For example –

Diseases and infections during pregnancy:  Various infections during pregnancy, especially rubella or German measles, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasma etc., can cause the unborn child to be born with clubfoot. Not only that, but common floods can also increase the risk. Apart from this, if the pregnant mother has uncontrolled diabetes, thyroid problem or any other complicated disease, club feet can occur in children.

Hereditary:  If one of the parents or their close relatives is born with clubfoot or if there is marriage between very close relatives, the child is at risk of clubfoot.

Other birth defects:  Club feet can occur if the child has other birth defects such as Down syndrome.

Pregnancy complications:  This problem can occur if there is less amniotic fluid or water during pregnancy.
Malnutrition: May be caused by maternal malnutrition, especially folic acid or iodine deficiency.

Effects of addiction:  If the parents are smokers, alcohol and drug abusers, the unborn child may be born with club feet.

Harmful chemicals:  Environmental factors can also cause this problem. Exposure to particularly harmful chemicals, radiation is also responsible for club feet.

Symptoms and Complications
Clubfoot Children's feet and heels also curve inward from the front. Club foot is characterized by four signs, abbreviated as CAVE. C = cavus, A = Adductus, V = Varus, E = Equinus.
Children with club foot cannot walk for long due to leg pain. If left untreated, they grow up with disabilities and lack of formal education cannot get a job or a respectable profession to earn a living.

Clubfoot can be detected by ultrasonogram, anomaly scan between 22 and 24 weeks of pregnancy.

Before treatment
, there was no treatment for congenital clubfoot, and people did not pay much attention to it. But now there are better treatments for this problem. This treatment should be started within one to two weeks after birth. Remember, the sooner treatment is started, the higher the success rate.
Some of the treatments are-

Ponseti Method Legs
can be straightened by plastering within two weeks of birth, called the 'Ponseti Method'. This method is quite popular, which is the international standard or standard treatment for club foot. This is a technique that fixes congenital club feet without surgery. American orthopedic surgeon 'Dr. Ignacio V Ponsetti' discovered this method through many studies and it is called 'Ponsetti Method'.

The Ponseti method involves applying five to seven plaster casts on the leg for three weeks under local anesthesia. Plaster changes and follow-up are done every week. After the foot is healed, a Foot Abduction Brace (FAB) or special shoes must be worn to cover the foot for 23 hours for the first three months and only 12 hours at night to maintain that good position. But if you follow the rules, you don't have to wear those special shoes after four years. If you don't follow the rules or don't wear those special shoes, there is a risk that the feet will return to their previous state. As this is a long-term treatment, the parent should continue patiently.

In this method of taping and splinting,
the doctor brings the child's leg closer to its normal position and fastens it with special tape and splints. It is also called the French method, which is started soon after the baby is born. This process has to be done daily till the age of two months and this treatment has to be continued for six months with a break of two-three days. The child is then kept in the correct position by regular stretching exercises and wearing a splint at night until the child learns to walk.

Ponseti method and traction straightening treatments improve the foot in 95 percent of cases, without the need for surgery. If for some reason it is not good or if the correct rules are not followed, the patient goes back to the previous state. In that case, after the child turns three years of age, tendon transfer is required, which is called Anterior Tibialis Tendon Transfer surgery. Orthopedic surgeons perform this operation.

► Stay under the follow-up of an experienced Gynecologist and follow the regimen properly while the child is pregnant. Show your doctor an anomaly scan at 20 to 24 weeks of pregnancy.
► Avoid smoking or drinking habits of father, mother.
► Do not take medicines that are harmful to the baby during pregnancy. Try to stay away from any radiation during this time.
► Don't panic or hide the newborn if a clubfoot baby or a baby with clubfoot is born alone in the family. Because no one is responsible for it. Rather, if you see an orthopedic specialist immediately after birth, he will look at the condition of the skin and advise when to start treatment.

Club Foot Children are no longer a burden. Rather, after proper treatment, children with club feet can go to school, play sports, work, do business, get married, that is, live a normal life. So, if you have a child with congenital crooked feet, get treatment quickly and come forward for prevention. It is hoped that since 2010, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University and various medical college hospitals of the country have provided free treatment for children with congenital crooked feet including free plasters and shoes for up to four years.

Author: Professor Dr. M. Amjad Hossain , Chief Consultant, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, LabAid Hospital.

Finally: Children born with crooked legs walked together. What is the treatment for a child's crooked feet?

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