Suffering from a headache!, know the types of pain,Headache: What It Is, Types, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Many people suffer from headaches. Some people self-medicate when they have headache or pain. But this leaves the root cause of the headache undiagnosed. It can lead to major problems later on.
Experts say that there can be several reasons behind the unbearable headache at certain times of the day.
Water shortage
Water keeps blood circulation in our body normal. Retains moisture. Increases digestion. Keeps the body fresh. So lack of water causes many problems in the body. It can even cause headaches. Drink enough water regularly.
Food selection
Eating food cooked in excess oil spices also causes discomfort and headache. If the food is not digested, it leads to gas. So eat fresh and healthy food little by little.
lying down
Even if you do not sleep or sit properly, the pain can spread from the spine to the head. Digestive problems also occur at the same time.
Smartphone all the time
Smartphone all the time? Having a headache after using the gadget for a long time? Addiction to the machine also leads to headaches.
If you have a headache for a long time, do not neglect it and consult a specialist.