Some common misconceptions about breastfeeding, misconceptions about breastfeeding


Some common misconceptions about breastfeeding, misconceptions about breastfeeding

Some common misconceptions about breastfeeding, misconceptions about breastfeeding

The United Nations has called for more support so that women can breastfeed their babies at work. The United Nations has called for an annual campaign to increase breastfeeding rates. Misconceptions about breastfeeding

According to the United Nations, children who are not breastfed are 14 times more likely to die before they turn one than those who are exclusively breastfed. The UN has called for the introduction of paid maternity leave, breaks between work for breastfeeding and provision of separate rooms for mothers to breastfeed at work.

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There are still many myths or misconceptions about breastfeeding, which can prevent mothers from breastfeeding their babies. Some of the common misconceptions about breastfeeding are actually quite wrong, two experts explain. One of them is Catriona Waite, a professor of clinical pharmacology and global health at the University of Liverpool in Britain and a fellow at Makerere University College of Health Sciences in Kampala, Uganda. Another is Alastair Sutcliffe, professor of general paediatrics at University College London.

1. Misconceptions? Breastfeeding a baby is easy.

Babies are born with the instinct to seek the mother's breast. However, many breastfeeding mothers need effective support to position their baby and ensure that their baby is properly attached to the breast. Getting a baby to breastfeed takes time and requires practice from both mother and baby. The baby needs to be breastfed whenever he feels hungry. That is why proper arrangements and support are needed for breastfeeding the child both at home and at work.

2. Misconceptions? Breastfeeding is bound to hurt – sore nipples are inevitable. 

Many mothers feel uncomfortable during the first few days after giving birth. If the mother breastfeeds by positioning the baby in the correct position and properly attached to the breast, sore or swollen nipples can be avoided. If a mother faces such a problem, she can overcome it by consulting a breastfeeding specialist or a skilled professional.

3. Misconceptions? The nipple should be washed before feeding the baby.

It is not necessary to wash the nipple before feeding the baby. Babies are exposed to their mother's body odor and voice from birth. In addition, nipples produce substances that babies smell and contain a type of good bacteria. They build immunity in the baby's body.

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4. Misconceptions? The child and its mother should be kept separate for the rest of the mother

Doctors, nurses and midwives often ask to keep the baby close to its mother immediately after birth. It is also called 'Kangaroo Mother Care'. Thus keeping in contact with the mother, clinging to the body is important for babies. Which helps them find and get breast milk from their mother. If this can be done within an hour of the baby's birth and repeated thereafter, the babies will get milk easily. If the mother cannot do it alone, other family members should help the mother and baby. Misconceptions about breastfeeding

5. Misconceptions? The mother should eat only normal food during the days when the baby is breastfed.

Like everyone else, the mother of a new baby needs to eat a balanced diet. There is usually no need to change your diet. Because the children are influenced by that diet since they were in the mother's womb. Still, if the mother feels that any of her foods are having a bad effect on the baby, then a pediatrician should be consulted.

6. Misconceptions? Exercise will change the taste of milk.

Exercise is beneficial for the body. The same is true for breastfeeding mothers. There is no evidence that exercise changes the taste of milk.

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7. Misconceptions? If you don't breastfeed immediately after birth, you won't.

It is easy to start breastfeeding a baby within an hour of birth. Because at this time children are more interested in mother's breast milk. He is now ready to learn how to breastfeed. If you cannot breastfeed the baby immediately after birth, then start feeding as soon as possible according to your condition. A lactation specialist or a specialist in the subject may seek help to ensure that the baby is properly positioned for breastfeeding. Your baby's skin-to-skin contact and holding the baby close to the breast will help him learn to suckle.

8. Misconceptions? If you want to breastfeed, you should never give formula (milk available in the market).

In addition to breastfeeding, mothers can sometimes consider formula feeding their babies. In that case, there should be accurate, unbiased information about the baby's formula or complementary foods. The baby should be breastfed as often as possible to maintain the production of breast milk. For a proper plan in this regard, the advice of an expert or skilled professional should be taken.

9. Misconceptions? Many mothers do not have enough breast milk.

Almost every mother's body produces the necessary breast milk for her baby. How well the baby latches onto the mother's breast, how often the feedings are being done, and how well the baby is able to suckle each time – these also depend on the production of breast milk. Breastfeeding is not just a mother's job alone. Mother's support is needed in this case. For example, staying healthy through regular counseling from health care providers, support from others at home, and drinking enough nutritious food and drink (including water).

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10. Misconceptions? Sick mothers cannot breastfeed.

It will depend on the type of illness. However, mothers can usually continue to breastfeed their babies even when they are sick. Only in that case the mother should be treated, have adequate rest and proper food. In many cases, the immune system that is active in the mother's body is transmitted to the baby's body through breastfeeding, which helps in building the immune system. Misconceptions about breastfeeding

11. Misconceptions? Medicines cannot be taken while breastfeeding.

The doctor must be informed before taking any medicine during breastfeeding days. At this time, the medication should be taken at a certain time and dose, and in that case, there may be a need for alternative medication. The child's doctor should also be informed before taking the medicine.

12. Misconceptions? Breastfed babies cling to their mothers.

All children are different. Some are more clingy, some are not. However, this has nothing to do with their mother's breastfeeding. Not only does mother's milk provide the best nutrition for babies, it is also important in the development of the baby's brain. Also, the mother's bond with the baby is strengthened through breastfeeding.

13. Misconceptions? Babies cannot be weaned after more than one year.

There is no evidence that breast-feeding cannot be stopped in infants over one year of age. However, it has been proven that breastfeeding up to two years is good for both the baby and the mother. Every mother and baby is different. How many days of breastfeeding will depend on them.

14. Misconceptions? After returning to work, the child should stop breastfeeding.

Many mothers continue to breastfeed their babies even after joining the workforce. In that case, you should first see what the rules are where you work. If there is enough time and opportunity to breastfeed the baby in between work at the office, you may be able to go home and feed the baby. Or with the help of someone in the family or friends, you can bring the baby to your workplace at that time or you can collect the breast milk in a bottle and send it home. And if you don't have that opportunity at work, breastfeed your baby when you can. Even if you have provided an alternative to breast milk for your baby, it is still best to continue breastfeeding if you have the opportunity. Misconceptions about breastfeeding


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