Menstrual pain, this home remedy will get rid of menstrual pain


Menstrual pain, get rid of menstrual pain with this home remedy, know 7 home remedies to reduce menstrual pain without taking medicine

Name of Menstruation Tablet:  This is actually the case for women aged 12 to 55 years. And regular and timely menstruation of an adult woman is a sign of good health. And if it becomes irregular, then it may mean that there is a physical problem.

Menstrual pain, this home remedy will get rid of menstrual pain

What to do if not menstruating? And the name of the menstrual tablet

In fact , if someone does not have menstruation from the scheduled time, i.e. exactly 28 days gap   , then many women are worried   . Because really not having period within a certain period becomes a serious matter to panic. Today we will know about the name of the tablet  for menstruation and its remedy if there is no menstruation on time  .

What causes late menstruation?

Many people are  very worried about  late menstruation . But do you know that   there are many things associated with periods or menstruation? Everything from stress to the weather can affect your menstrual cycle. Normally every 27 to 36 days, a healthy and normal woman   has  her  period .

Occurs in women aged 11 to 56 years. Regular and timely menstruation in an adult woman is a sign of very good health. But if it becomes irregular, then it means that there is a physical problem.

In that case, it should be looked at whether there is any disease in the body or whether there is any harmful habit of living. Many times  there are many reasons behind period  delay. Among them are pregnancy, age, stress, premature miscarriage, underweight, fibroids, and hormonal problems. 

But if there is no reason behind your late period, then you should consult a specialist as soon as possible.

Reasons for not menstruating

 There are several reasons behind the absence of periods in girls  . Due to which menses may be temporarily stopped or delayed. For example-

Pregnancy:  If you don't get your period after intercourse, first check if you are pregnant.

Age:  Young and middle-aged girls   may occasionally experience irregular periods due to hormonal problems.

Stress:  Many people are likely to have late periods if they are under stress for a long time or if they are worried or worried about something.

Early Pregnancy Loss:  A woman suddenly became pregnant after intercourse, but she did not know it. Then it can lead to miscarriage or abortion on its own. Then the period is many and a half. And in this case, there is a possibility of heavy bleeding after few days compared to menstruation. Many people think that   it happened because of  menarche .

Underweight:  Physical weight loss or poor health may lead to missed periods. Menstruation may even be off for some days.

Hormonal birth control:  Using different methods of birth control can lead to late periods. For example, the use of pills, patches, injections, IUDs, etc. can delay periods or periods. 

Health problems:  Many times periods are late due to various physical ailments. For example, such problems as mononucleosis, cold, flu, throat infection etc. can lead to late menstruation. 

How to make menstruation regular 

There is no reason to worry if your regular periods suddenly become irregular. Because there are some ways to make menstruation regular.  You can get your period regular by following  home remedies without going to the doctor first  . If you don't have period, what should you eat  or  how to get period soon  ? So let's find out the ways-

1. exercise

Studies show that women who exercise regularly  have regular periods  and no menstrual problems. There are certain exercises for girls, if they   do regular exercises after the end of menstruation  , there is a possibility of getting menstruation at the right time.

2. Sour fruit

Girls are very fond of sour fruits. Irregular menstruation can be regular by eating sour fruits. There are many sour fruits such as tamarind, malta, olive etc. if eaten regularly, it  helps in regular menstruation  .

Another thing you can do is take a glass of water and mix sugar well in it, then soak tamarind in that water for an hour. Then mix salt, sugar and cumin powder well. Drink twice a day during irregular periods  . It is very beneficial to regularize your irregular periods.

3. ginger

Ginger is the most effective to regularize irregular menstruation.  The way to eat ginger is to boil water for 5-7 minutes with 1/2 teaspoon of ginger in 1 cup of water. Drink this water every day after three meals. If you drink it regularly for a month,  your period will become regular  .

4. the mole

Sesame will help you to regularize irregular periods. Sesame is a nutritious ingredient. The rule of eating sesame is that a small amount of sesame should be roasted and powdered. Then mix a spoonful of jaggery with it well. Consume one teaspoon of this every morning on an empty stomach. You will see that your period is fixed.

5. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is very beneficial. Drink 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mixed with water before eating every day. Vinegar reduces blood insulin and blood sugar, thus    helping to lose excess weight and regular menstruation .

6. healthy life

We all should live a healthy life. But for women who are at the age of menopause or entering puberty, it is even more important for them to lead a healthy lifestyle. Because girls can develop many diseases after puberty.

Remember! There is no reason to worry that menstruation may suddenly be late. But watch your period. If it is less than 9 times in a year or if the period is off for three months or if there is a gap of more than 35 days between one period and another period, definitely consult a doctor.

 What is the name of the menstrual tablet? 

In fact, menstruation is a completely natural process, in which there is no human intervention. If there is no period,  there is no permanent solution to taking medicine or artificially inducing or stopping menstruation. But if there is absolutely no way, then you can take special menstrual medicine.

Various companies have medicines for regular menstruation. 5mg  menstrual regular tablets act on the natural hormones of our body and   relieve  those who have   menstrual problems  from irregular periods.  Below are the names of regular menstrual tablets:

  Drug Name→Company→Price per piece 

  1. Normans  →Renata →6 Taka
  2. Ethinor  → Eskayef →5 Taka
  3. Feminor  → Acme → 5 Taka
  4. Menoral  → Square →6.50 Taka
  5. Mensil  N→HealthCare→7.50 Taka
  6. Remens  →Popular →5 Taka
  7. Menogia  → ACI → 6 Taka
  8. Norcolut  →City Overseas →7.25 Taka
  9. Norestin  →Nuvista →6.84 Taka
  10. Noteron  → Incepta →5.5 Taka

 In what cases do menstrual tablets work?

  •   If you have irregular periods
  •  If there is too much bleeding
  •  Even breast pain, headache or mood swings
  • It can also be a case of breast cancer.

Doctors recommend taking this tablet 1 daily and taking it 3 times a day. In some cases it is advised to take it every 5 days and in some cases up to 1 week. But before consuming Zeno it must be consulted by a gynecologist or an experienced doctor.

Menstrual tablet name:

Menstruation is a problem for women   , but it is also very annoying. Several studies have shown that women experience various menstrual problems during winter. Because this winter means festival. And so at this time of the end of the year, almost many people have different plans. So women prefer to avoid menstruation during this period due to weddings and picnics as well as other festivals.

 Therefore, many women take medicine to delay menstruation to get rid of this menstrual problem during these menstrual days. So in medical science this drug   is called Period Delaying Tablets . This tendency appears in almost all girls especially before marriage.

 No one wants to compromise on the joy of going around for a little period every now and then. So many people   want to know the name of the tablet for stopping menstruation . However, if one wants to, one can definitely take this medicine. But in that case you must consult a specialist doctor. But if one is in dire need then talk to the doctor first and buy and take the medicine as advised by him.

Phasic Pill:   These pills are divided into two or three parts and each part has a different color that works differently for different hormones. Which is usually a 21-day course which is to be taken one at a time for 7 consecutive days. The rest of the medicines are as prescribed and exactly the same.

Mini Pill:   These tablets contain Norethisterone. After taking one leaf you can take another leaf medicine from the next day without giving any gap. It is also very effective for postponing menstruation.

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 Differences with contraceptive pills

 Keep in mind that period delay pills and contraceptive pills are not the same thing. So delaying pills only delay periods for 17 days. And  the contraceptive pill  does not allow the egg to be released from the ovary. And so if you think that you will take menstrual delay medicine after intercourse without any protection, then don't think like that. But this medicine will not prevent you from getting pregnant.

When to eat tablets?

But you should buy this medicine only after consultation with the doctor. And for those who take hormones and thyroid medicines every day, you will know from the doctor how much this pill will work. So usually  three days before  the scheduled day  of menstruation  and three times this tablet should be taken. 

One should be taken in the morning, one in the afternoon and one after eating at night. However, two tablets can never be eaten at the same time. If a tablet is forgotten in the morning, it cannot be taken again later or in the afternoon.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

1. What to do if menstruation does not occur after intercourse 

If you don't get your period after intercourse, you should first know if you are pregnant. For this you need to take a pregnancy test. You can take a pregnancy test at home if you want. For this,  you can read the article  on how to take a pregnancy test at home on our website.  

If pregnancy comes positive then you are going to be a mother. It is normal for menses to stop after intercourse. And if the pregnancy is negative then wait for some time. If there is no period then you can take medicine and take doctor's advice. 

If the pregnancy is positive unintentionally, then the thing to do is either to keep the baby or to destroy it. Wasting is a grave sin. So it is better not to waste. Then if someone has problems with having children due to various physical problems and does not want to have children, they  can take MM kit .  When it has specific rules. Consult your doctor before taking it. 

2. What is the problem if there is no menstruation?

Absence of menstruation usually leads to problems in donating children. Those who do not menstruate or have stopped menstruating for a long time should seek treatment immediately. Otherwise there is a possibility of not having children later. Again many problems can arise physically. 

3. Is there a possibility of having a baby if there is no menstruation?

If you don't have a period, you can't have a baby. The baby is formed through menstrual blood. Menstruation will stop on its own when the baby is born. So it can be said that   if there is no menstruation ,  there will be a problem in giving birth to a child. 

4. How many days are pregnant if not menstruating?

It is difficult to say how long it takes to get pregnant if you don't have a period. But usually if you don't have period after 5 weeks or more than 35 days then you should go to the doctor. If you have sexual intercourse, you should test first to see if you are pregnant. If the symptoms of pregnancy appear after sexual intercourse   or if 1 week has passed from the specified period of menstruation,  you should take  a pregnancy test  .

5. Reasons for not having menstruation according to the date?

There can be many reasons for not having periods according to the date. This includes being pregnant or physically weak, lacking vitamins and nutrients in the body or taking various pills. 

6. Home remedies to get period in one day

There is no home remedy to get period in one day. If there is no menstruation, you can follow the above mentioned home remedies after knowing the reason. If you feel any problem, you can seek medical treatment. 

7. What to do if you don't want to have a baby if you are unexpectedly pregnant? 

Almost people want to know this. First, use protection during intercourse. If not,   you can take the emergency pill within 72 hours. If it's more than 72 hours and you don't want to have a baby,  you can take MM kit tablets  within 60 days after consulting your doctor. Details about
the MM kit can be found on the website under the category of women's health. But spoiling a child in this way is a grave sin, so   it is better not to  spoil a child .


Irregular menstruation  or several times in a month or non-stop menstruation is a serious problem for women. You must be health conscious. Menstruation or any problem you have can comment. We will update you with its solution. Thanks 


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