What to do if a patient has a brain stroke, what to do after a love stroke, what to do for a patient with a brain stroke

Stroke is a terrible disease of the brain. Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability in Bangladesh. A stroke is when there is a blockage or bleeding in any part of the brain and it lasts for 24 hours. Brain cells are highly sensitive. Lack of little sugar and oxygen causes the cells to die. This can lead to paralysis, disability and even death. However, there is a cure for this terrible disease. It can also be made preventable. However, the common misconception is that once a patient has a stroke, there is no need to prevent the stroke. In fact it is very important to take stroke prevention after the first stroke.

Studies have shown that about 25 to 30 percent of patients with a first stroke have a recurrence of the stroke, which is a major obstacle to the patient's recovery and recovery. So after the first stroke several precautions should be taken.

The process of re-stroke prevention after a stroke is called secondary stroke prevention. The key idea is to inform the patient to reduce the risk of stroke. If the risk of stroke is not properly controlled, the risk of re-stroke increases. For this, on the one hand, such treatment and medicine is required, on the other hand, the risk of stroke should be controlled through a combination of lifestyle changes, diet and physiotherapy.

High blood pressure: It is important to control high blood pressure after the first stroke. We need to control blood pressure very seriously. High blood pressure can be controlled through proper treatment. High blood pressure can also be controlled by controlling eating habits.

The amount of fat in the blood: Increased blood fat or dyslipidemia is one of the causes of stroke. Blood fat control is needed not only to prevent stroke, but also to control other diseases. Blood fat control can be achieved not only through medication but also through diet and exercise.

Diabetes: Stroke patients who have diabetes are more likely to have vascular problems, high blood pressure, obesity, and hyperlipidemia. The risk of re-stroke can be greatly reduced by controlling diabetes. So diabetes needs to be controlled through proper treatment. In this case regular doctor's advice should be taken.

Obesity and physical exercise: Obesity is one of the risks for heart disease, stroke and premature death. Every patient with a stroke or transient ischemic stroke should be screened for obesity with a BMI diagnosis. In order to reduce the weight of the patient, intensive, uninterrupted counseling should be given based on the situation and the patient should be taken care of according to the counseling. Patients who have had a stroke and TIA and who are able to do physical activity should do moderate to heavy aerobic exercise 2-4 times a week. People who become physically inactive after a stroke should participate in physical exercise activities under the supervision of a health worker, such as a physiotherapist.

Food and nutrition: Deficiency of vitamin-D and dietary potassium in the blood in micro nutrients can increase the risk of stroke. Patients who have had a stroke or TIA and have symptoms of malnutrition should consult a doctor for specific nutrition. They need to follow a diet that includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains and low-fat dairy products, fish, poultry, olive oil, and nuts. Eating sweets and red meat should be reduced. Daily sodium intake should be less than 2.4 g / dl. Proper eating habits are important for a stroke patient. Because the patient cannot take food normally.

Smoking: Smoking increases the risk of stroke. If a stroke patient is a smoker, he or she is more likely to have another stroke. Various studies have shown that health education can reduce the risk of re-stroke in a stroke patient. Individuals as well as physicians and health workers have a role to play in preventing re-stroke after the first stroke. The patient and the patient's relatives must be provided with accurate information. Remember - a stroke does not mean death. With proper treatment and care, it is possible to heal the patient and keep him free of stroke again.



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