A group of Japanese doctors have confirmed that hot water is 100% effective in solving some health problems, nothing can be eaten for 45 minutes after drinking hot water

A group of Japanese doctors have confirmed that hot water is 100% effective in solving some health problems, nothing can be eaten for 45 minutes after drinking hot water

 Benefits of hot water:

A group of Japanese doctors have confirmed that hot water is 100% effective in solving some health problems

01. Migraine.

02. High blood pressure.

03. Low blood pressure.

04. Joint pain.

05. Sudden increase and decrease in heart rate.

07. Cholesterol levels.

07. Cough.

09. Physical discomfort.

10. Gut pain.

11. Asthma.

12. Headache.

13. Venous obstruction.

14. Diseases related to uterus and urine.

15. Stomach problems.

16. Problems with hunger.

* How to drink hot water? *


Regularly sleep between 10-11 pm, wake up very early in the morning and drink about 2 glasses of hot water on an empty stomach, at first one may not be able to drink 2 glasses of water, but slowly.

Note: Nothing can be eaten for 45 minutes after drinking hot water.

Hot water therapy will logically solve all the health problems in a timely manner,

It is mentioned below: -

Diabetes within 30 days.

Blood pressure within 30 days.

Stomach problems in 10 days.

All types of cancer within 09 months.

Problems with venous obstruction within 06 months.

Hunger is a national problem in 10 days.

Uterine and related diseases within 10 days.

Problems with nose, ears and throat within 10 days.

Women's problems within 15 days.

Heart problems within 30 days.

Headache / migraine problem in 03 days.

Cholesterol problem in 04 months.

Epilepsy and paralysis problems in 09 months.

Asthma problem in 04 months.

 * Drinking cold water can cause serious harm! If cold water does not affect young age, it will harm old age.

* Cold water closes 4 veins of the heart and causes heart attack. The main cause of heart attack is cold drinks.

* It also causes liver problems. It traps fat with the liver. Most people waiting for a liver transplant suffer from drinking cold water.

* Cold water affects the inner walls of the stomach. It affects the colon and results in cancer.

* Please do not keep this information to yourself, tell someone, it can save someone's life.

-Japanese Dr. Mensah-to be in the hall.


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